Job Status

Properties, events and actions relating to job status data


Job Status


One of None, Taken, Loading, Ongoing, Completed or Abandoned depending on the current state of the job you're currently doing.

Job In Progress


This property has been deprecated in favour of the property now available directly from the game telemetry: SpecialEventsValues.OnJob

Returns True if you're currently on a job - that is when status is one of Taken, Loading or Ongoing.


Job Status Reset

An action that can be triggered to reset the Job Status property, if you find that the property isn't reporting the correct value. Resetting the value will cause Job Status to attempt to recalculate what should be the correct value for Job Status.


Job Taken

When you take a new job, an event named JobTaken will trigger.

Job Loading

When you're loading a job (heading to the trailer to hitch it up), an event named JobLoading will trigger.

Job Ongoing

When you've hitched the trailer and move out to the road, an event named JobOngoing will trigger.

Job Completed

When you successfully complete a job, an event named JobComplete will trigger.

Job Abandoned

When you abandon a job, an event named JobAbandoned will trigger.

Job Reset

When you run the Job Status Reset action, an event named JobReset will trigger.

Last updated