
A history of the changes to TruckSimulatorPlugin

Current version:

v2.0.3 | Instant Fuel Consumption

New properties

  • Drivetrain.FuelValue.AverageConsumptionLitresPer100Mile

  • Drivetrain.FuelValue.AverageConsumptionMilesPerGallonUK

  • Drivetrain.FuelValue.AverageConsumptionMilesPerGallonUS

Previous versions

v2.0.2 | Restoring ATS Functionality

This release restores basic functionality to ATS. Localisation is disabled if the game running is ATS and the GearDashboard property may show incorrectly as it's currently based on ETS2's truck gearing and how that data is supplied by the telemetry data.

v2.0.1 | Maintenance Release

Maintenance update to bring the plugin up to speed with the latest .NET framework. Also a slight rewrite to make expansion easier going forward.

N.B. Some property names may have changed.

v1.1.8 | Localisation

Adds localisation to city names, so you can match up with what's displayed in game.

v1.1.7 | Job Status updates, and GearDashboard with crawler gears.

Version 1.1.7 comes with stability updates to the TruckSimulatorPlugin.Job.InProgress property.

New properties

  • TruckSimulatorPlugin.Drivetrain.GearDashboard, that should represent crawler gears properly, as well as reverse gears, by showing C1, C2 for crawlers, and R1, R2 etc for reverse gears.

  • TruckSimulatorPlugin.Job.Status for tracking the status of a job as you're doing it.

v1.1.5 | Bug fixes to Job.InProgress and add FuelRangeStable

Thanks to Rocket455man on Discord for reporting the issues with Job.InProgress, this should now have a version that works for all variants of job type.

New properties

  • TruckSimulatorPlugin.Drivetrain.FuelRangeStable, that has the same data as GameRawData.Drivetrain.FuelRange, but doesn't dip to 0 constantly.

v1.1.2 | Minor feature updates
  • Adds the ability to configure the value of "Over Speed Margin" to user preference

  • Adds breakouts of days/hours to navigation time element

    • Also adds a breakout of the minutes, for tracking with days/hours

  • Moves "DashUnitMetric" to a user preference, that can still be toggled by an event/action

v1.1.1 | Bug fix release for Lights.HazardWarningActive

Fixes the [Lights.HazardWarningActive] property that wasn't working previously.

v1.1.0 | TruckSimulatorPlugin v1.1.0

New properties

  • TruckSimulatorPlugin.Job.NextRestWarning

v1.0.0 | Initial Release

Initial release of the TruckSimulatorPlugin for SimHub.

Last updated